Hyphenate Consulting (/ˈhīfənət/) provides marketing, grant writing, website and SEO consulting services to small businesses, startups, churches and nonprofit organizations in Minnesota. Hyphenate Consulting provides affordable services to clients who need more for less. Far too often small businesses, startups, churches and nonprofits are quoted too much by firms specializing in these unique services. Small business, startups, churches and nonprofits need a “both/and” not an “either/or” approach when spending they’re valuable resources: they need hyphenates.
Hyphenate Consulting is committed to leaving companies “better than we found them”, much like leaving a campsite after a visit. Hyphenate Consulting wants to help your company learn valuable skills, too, and every contract comes with free education and resources. Hyphenate Consulting is mission driven and wants your organization to succeed in any capacity.
Hyphenate Consulting was established by Devin Connelly – Vander Schaaf in May of 2021.
Did you know?
In the early 20th century, the noun hyphenate referred to a resident or citizen of the U.S. whose recent foreign national origin caused others to question his or her patriotic loyalties – with or without there being just cause for that questioning. These hyphenates – the Irish-Americans, German-Americans, and others – were objects of suspicion. Hyphenates today are more often objects of admiration. Since around 1974, in the United States, we’ve been referring to people with hyphens in their titles – producer-directors, for example, as hyphenates.